Center for Substance
Abuse Prevention (CSAP) |
The Center for Substance Abuse
Prevention, of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA), Public Health Service, was established to lead the Federal efforts
in prevention and intervention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse
among the nation's citizens. CSAP promotes the development of comprehensive
prevention systems suited to community, state, national, and international
needs. |
Habit Smart |
This Web site has been constructed to provide an abundance of information
about addictive behavior: theories of habit endurance and habit change as
well as tips for effectively managing problematic habitual behavior. Many
people grappling with addictive behavior are not aware that there are many
potentially effective routes to change. In as much as AA and associated
12-step approaches have been useful to many, one size does not fit all.
Furthermore, many who align themselves with the 12-step model can benefit
from other information. The addiction professionals who manage and contribute
to the site are invested in providing people with empirically-driven information
which may be useful in controlling their unique habits. |
National Clearinghouse for
Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) |
The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol
and Drug Information is the information service of the Center for Substance
Abuse Prevention. NCADI is the world's largest resource for current information
and materials concerning substance abuse prevention. |
Bureau of Justice
Statistics (BJS) |
The Bureau of Justice Statistics,
a component of the Office of Justice Programs in the U.S. Department of
Justice, is the United States' primary source for criminal justice statistics.
BJS collects, analyzes, publishes, and disseminates information on crime,
criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems
at all levels of government. These data are critical to Federal, State,
and local policymakers in combating crime and ensuring that justice is both
efficient and evenhanded. |
Drug Policy Research
Center (DPRC) |
RAND's Drug Policy Research
Center was established in 1989 to conduct the empirical research, policy
analysis, and outreach needed to help community leaders and public officials
develop more effective strategies for dealing with drug problems. The DPRC
also hosts visiting scholars, and it sponsors training in drug policy research. |
Monitoring the
Future |
Monitoring the Future --
a study conducted by the Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan --
is supported by research grants from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
The Monitoring the Future project, begun in 1975, has many purposes. Among
them is to study changes in the beliefs, attitudes, and behavior of young
people in the United States. |
Sourcebook of
Criminal Justice Statistics |
The Sourcebook of Criminal Justice
Statistics is published by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of
Justice Statistics. Originally, this site presented the 23rd edition of
Sourcebook, published in November 1996. The site is regularly updated
to reflect new data as they will appear in the next edition. |
FedStats |
FedStats is a website maintained by the Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy that provides access to the full range of statistics and information produced by more than 70 federal agencies. |
Library of Congress |
The Library of Congress site houses many search tools for researchers, as well as Thomas, the full text reference guide to current bills under consideration in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. |
Department of Justice (DOJ) |
As the largest law firm in the nation, the Department
of Justice serves as counsel for its citizens. It represents them in
enforcing the law in the public interest. Through its thousands of lawyers,
investigators, and agents, the Department plays the key role in protection
against criminals and subversion, in ensuring healthy competition of business
in our free enterprise system, in safeguarding the consumer, and in enforcing
drug, immigration, and naturalization laws. The Department also plays a
significant role in protecting citizens through its efforts for effective
law enforcement, crime prevention, crime detection, and prosecution and
rehabilitation of offenders. |
Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA) |
The mission of the Drug Enforcement
Administration is to enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations
of the United States and to bring to the criminal and civil justice system
of the United States or any other competent jurisdiction, those organizations,
and principal members of organizations, involved in the growing, manufacture,
or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit
traffic in the United States; and to recommend and support nonenforcement
programs aimed at reducing the availability of illicit controlled substances
on the domestic and international markets. In carrying out its mission,
DEA is the lead agency responsible for the development of overall Federal
drug enforcement strategy, programs, planning, and evaluation. |
Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) |
The mission of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
is to uphold the law through the investigation of violations of federal
criminal law; to protect the United States from foreign intelligence and
terrorist activities; to provide leadership and law enforcement assistance
to federal, state, local, and international agencies; and to perform these
responsibilities in a manner that is responsive to the needs of the public
and is faithful to the Constitution of the United States. |
U.S. Customs Service |
As the nation's principal border agency, the mission of the U.S.
Customs Service is to ensure that all goods entering and exiting the
United States do so in accordance with all United States laws and regulations.
This mission includes interdicting narcotics and other contraband. |
Drug Reform Coordination
Network (DRCnet) |
The Drug Reform Coordination Network
is "Drug Policy Central" on the Internet. Learn about what's wrong
with Prohibition and the War on Drugs, and what you can do to fight for
change. |
Efficacy |
Efficacy is a Connecticut-based
organization advocating peaceful ways to respond to social problems. At
the present time, Efficacy concentrates its efforts on drug abuse and crime
prevention, encouraging citizens to re-examine drug policy. |
The Drug Policy Alliance |
The Drug Policy Alliance works to
broaden the public debate on drug policy and to promote realistic alternatives to the war on
drugs based on science, compassion, public health and human rights. |
Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) |
The Marijuana Policy Project develops
and promotes policies designed to minimize the harm associated with marijuana. |
Media Awareness Project (MAP) |
The Media Awareness Project is a worldwide
network of activists who aim to impact public opinion, and especially media
coverage, on public policy related to drugs -- to create a more balanced
view about our drug policies. |
National Organization for
the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) |
Since its founding in 1970, the National
Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws has been the principal
national advocate for legalizing marijuana. |
Partnership for Responsible
Drug Information |
The Partnership for Responsible Drug Information
is a non-profit educational organization, founded in 1994. PRDI board
members include attorneys, physicians, biochemists, economists, accountants,
sociologists, psychologists, and business leaders. As an association of
professionals, PRDI encourages other professionals to examine and discuss
drug policy. |
Justice Information Center |
Justice Information Center is a service
of NCJRS, a dynamic information resource that responds to queries from law
enforcement and corrections officials, lawmakers, judges and court personnel,
and researchers. |
National Institute on Drug
Abuse (NIDA) |
The National Institute on Drug Abuse
is part of the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human
Services. Each of the divisions and offices of NIDA plays an important role
in programs of drug abuse research. |
of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) |
The Office
of National Drug Control Policy was established by Act of Congress in
1988 and is organized within the Executive Office of the President. ONDCP
is authorized to develop and coordinate the policies, goals, and objectives
of the Nation's drug control program for reducing the use of illicit drugs.
ONDCP engages in activities that both meet the requirements of its authorization
and represent the values and commitments of the President and its Director. |
Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) |
The mission of the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration within the Nation's health system
is to improve the quality and availability of prevention, treatment, and
rehabilitation services in order to reduce illness, death, disability, and
cost to society resulting from substance abuse and mental illnesses.
SAMHSA's mission is accomplished in partnership with all concerned with
substance abuse and mental illnesses. |
Families Against Mandatory
Minimums (FAMM) |
Families Against Mandatory Minimums --
In 1986, Congress passed laws that impose mandatory sentences for drug and
firearm offenses. These sentences require an offender to serve a predetermined
number of years in prison based solely on the weight of a drug or the presence
of a firearm. The offender is not eligible for parole and must serve the
full term of his or her sentence. Many states have adopted similar laws. |
National Center on
Institutions and Alternatives (NCIA) |
The National Center on Institutions
and Alternatives is based in Alexandria, Virginia, and has been on the
cutting edge of criminal justice reform in the United States since its founding
in 1977. With a full-time staff of approximately 200, NCIA is a private,
nonprofit agency providing training, technical assistance, research and
direct services to criminal justice, social services, and mental health
organizations and clients across the country. |
U.S. Sentencing Commission
(USSC) |
The U.S. Sentencing Commission is an
independent agency in the judicial branch of government. Its principal purpose
is to establish sentencing policies and practices for the federal courts,
including detailed guidelines prescribing the appropriate form and severity
of punishment for offenders convicted of federal crimes. While the development,
monitoring, and amendment of the sentencing guidelines is the centerpiece
of the agency's work, the Commission provides training, conducts research
on sentencing-related issues, and serves as an information resource for
Congress, criminal justice practitioners, and the public. |
The November Coalition |
The November Coalition is a coalition of prisoners and their families arguing for an end to the drug war. The site includes coverage of court cases and legislative action, and an online exhibit, "The Wall," featuring the personal stories of imprisoned drug offenders. |