If you want to help inform the world about the war on drugs, you can forward news stories that you've found to the Media Awareness Project. Click here to find out how to be a "newshawk."

If you want to help reform drug policy, please contribute to the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation's Pro-Control Project. Today drugs are the most out-of-control substances in our society and economy. In 1970, Congress decided to call drugs "controlled substances." What an oxymoron! Prohibition gives us no control. Our challenge is to write the laws that regulate the use and distribution of drugs to save lives, reduce dangers, reduce violent crime, reduce corruption and money laundering, reduce disorder, treat those who need treatment, discourage abuse, provide accurate and believable information, and stop wasting money. Regulation is Pro-Control. Please send your contributions to the address below. Contributions are tax deductible under the Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3).

Criminal Justice Policy Foundation
8730 Georgia Avenue, Suite 400
Silver Spring, MD 20910

FAX (301) 589-5056

... or E-mail the precise text of the news story
(we are fastidious about accuracy!)
to NDSN@ndsn.org.