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Two U.S. Representatives Try to Eliminate HHS Secretary's Authority to Waive Ban on Funding of Needle Exchanges


July 1997

At least two members of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services (Labor HHS) are considering legislation that would eliminate Secretary Shalala's authority to waive the federal funding restrictions on needle exchanges. Brett Loper, legislative assistant to Rep. Roger Wicker (R-MS), told NewsBriefs that Rep. Wicker has written to the chairman of the committee, Representative John Porter (R-IL), stating his intention to support such legislation. In addition, Bill Duncan, Labor HHS legislative associate to Rep. Ernest Istook (R-OK), told NewsBriefs that the Congressman is opposed to needle exchange programs that use tax dollars, and would probably support Wicker's initiative.

Representative Roger Wicker's office: (202) 225-4306

Representative John Porter's office: (202) 225-4835

Representative Ernest Istook's office: (202) 225-2132