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DPF, AMFAR, Lymphoma Foundation Challenge Marijuana Policy


July 1993

A coalition of activist groups including the Drug Policy Foundation (DPF), the American Foundation For Aids Research (AMFAR), and the Lymphoma Foundation of America called on the Clinton Administration to repudiate Reagan-Bush policy on medical marijuana and replace Bush holdovers who are helping perpetuate anti-medical marijuana policy (Press Release, "Medical Marijuana Advocates Question DEA's Defense Of Reagan-Bush Policy," Drug Policy News, 6/14/93).

On May 27 U.S. Justice Department lawyers responded to the coalition's brief before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. The brief presses for patients' rights to use marijuana legally in therapy. The coalition filed a formal response June 10. The cases, Drug Policy Foundation v. DEA No. 92-1179 and Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics v. DEA No. 92-1168 were scheduled for Sept. 9.